Culture for children

MaerchenweltOpera for children
In general a discount of 75% is granted for children under 15 at the Volksoper. Productions especially suitable for children this season are: the ballet ‘”Die Schneekoenigin”  starting in December 2015, the opera “Haensel und Gretel” in December, the musical “Der Zauberer von Oz” starting in November and the musical “The Sound of Music”, starting in April 2016. All productions are suitable for children from the age of 6 and are played in German language. The children’s opera of the Staatsoper moved to the Studio Walfischgasse.
Theater and Cinema for children

P-Flunke_gr_01Concerts for children
The House of Music organizes join-in concerts with Bernhard Fibich and Marko Simsa to get little toes tapping, while the cultural association großundklein presents “Klassik Cool! concerts for babies. In the children program Jeunesse you can find exciting music thrillers and musical journeys to distant lands.
More Music

Privat 2007-08 242Museumsquartier for children
The MQ court next to Mariahilferstrasse is the kids court with the ZOOM Children’s Museum, the children’s information and the Dschungel, a theatre for young audience with productions for children aged 2-16. But also all other museums in the MQ offer programs for children, e.g. the Leopold Museum, the Mumok and the AzW.

More museums for children

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